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Projeção inválida ou incompatível para este tipo de operação.

Nathan Maxson [PersonRank 1]

Monday, August 6, 2007
17 years ago2,806 views

when you go to
it gives you this error
Invalid or incompatible projection for this type of operation.
in Portuguese

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Was your UI language set to Portuguese? I get the English error:

<< Bad or unsupported projection for this type of operation. >>

Nathan Maxson [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #


Bill Mac [PersonRank 9]

17 years ago #

I clicked the link, hit the back button, and clicked the link again. First visit: Portuguese; second visit: English.

Rohit Srivastwa [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I tried refreshing the page & got following results :)


Projeção inválida ou incompatível para este tipo de operação.

Bad or unsupported projection for this type of operation.

Projektionen är defekt eller kan inte användas för den här typen av operation.

Proyección errónea o no admitida para este tipo de operación

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