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Create Online Mini Cities  (View post)

/pd [PersonRank 10]

Monday, March 24, 2008
16 years ago4,711 views

is this not another tool to drive passive ref feral traffic to a site /domain and thereby leverage adsense it to make $$$ ?

hebbet [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #
City for GoogleWatchBlog

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

>>> MyMiniCity = human-generated spam <<<*
2,710,000 quotations, I don't speak about links...

Archit [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

I made one for myself:

NoPlaceForOldWays [PersonRank 0]

16 years ago #

purpose? ..or use?

Onions [PersonRank 0]

16 years ago #

No idea what the purpose is... but this is mine:

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

I can see how this can become a vicious circle... Blogoscopia now needs industry :)

> purpose? ..or use?

I suppose similar to a Tamagotchi it's a toy you like to pamper & grow?

Justin [PersonRank 0]

16 years ago #

Please don't. This sort of viral site causes people to spam their links all over forums and blog comments in an effort to pump the stats to their little cities. Think about it. It is an ecosystem fueled by deceiving people into clicking useless links that have nothing to do with anything.

Even if you have good intent, others on the site take the concept to heart and spam unrelated sites with the intent of getting attention. Since the site in question encourages this activity, your endorsement encourages it as well.


(Alternatively, you could go play simcity or other turn based strategy games such as:

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

(Thanks Justin, I added an update with your comment.)

Kyle Wegner [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

This reminds me of SimCity WAY too much. All it is missing are some big alien robotic monsters burning down my city. I don't think I ever played that game without bringing in those aliens.

Well anyway, I created one of my own in hopes of massive destruction one day. Enjoy automaticable city!

Zim [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

It reminds me of bitefight. This is a pretty idea, but those links all over the web won't be nice...

Colin Colehour [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

You've got high unemployment rates there Philipp. :P

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

On another note, this reminds me it would be cool if there was a web-based version of VisitorVille. Your site's statistics, polled with some JavaScript tracker (like Google Analytics does), displayed as a city in near real time. Incoming cars would be referrers, big streets would represent popular paths taken from other sites etc.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

(Edit: Decided to nofollow the links to MyMiniCity, in case it's spammy.)

Am I missing something? [PersonRank 0]

16 years ago #

Am I missnig something? When I click over to your example all I can do is look at your city, seems sort of basic?

Felipe [PersonRank 0]

16 years ago #

I'm french and it seems to me, from what I can see, that the name of the site and the graphics shown are very similar if not identical to . Seems like a translation from french to english.
As an admin, I had to ban a few spammers from a friend's forum and also had to warn long standing members that any link to "their" site would lead to a few days ban.
I can hardly imagine the activity on MSN, emails and huge french forums in order to try to make buddies, contacts and visitors click on these links :-/

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