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Major Gmail/apps outage

Petr Man [PersonRank 1]

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
14 years ago5,579 views

It looks like we are facing once again a major Gmail and Google Apps outage. During the last 6 hours all of my domains went down and now even my regular Gmail account is down. Anyone else experiencing "Bad Request Error 400"?
There is nothing at [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

No everything is working fine here.

Bonnie [PersonRank 0]

14 years ago #

In trying to download the google video-- I get a 1603 error and could not install. Should I have my webcam connected to install?

Andy [PersonRank 0]

14 years ago #

It is a Chrome issue. Are you using the dev Channel Version ? I have the same Problem there.

Petr Man [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago #

Yeah, I noticed that few minutes ago. Clearing cookies did it.

Juha-Matti Laurio [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

There was no anything mentioned at

Martin [PersonRank 0]

14 years ago #

I haven't been able to access Gcal for over a day now.

mbegin [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Something is going on with Gmail and Google Apps Mail... It was glitchy and disconnecting me at the end of the day yesterday, and it's doing this same thing again all morning...

And now this message just appeared in red at the top of my inbox:

<< Gmail is temporarily unable to access your Contacts. You may experience issues while this persists. Learn more >> [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Yes I just got that message to!

More here:
<<We're aware of a problem with Google Mail affecting a small subset of users. The affected users are unable to access Google Mail, but we've provided a workaround below. We will provide an update by September 24, 2009 5:29:00 PM UTC+2 detailing when we expect to resolve the problem. Please note that this resolution time is an estimate and may change.>>

mbegin [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

And now there's a service disruption listed at the Google Apps Status Dashboard:

<< We're aware of a problem with Google Mail affecting a small subset of users. The affected users are unable to access Google Mail, but we've provided a workaround below. We will provide an update by September 24, 2009 10:29:00 AM UTC-5 detailing when we expect to resolve the problem. Please note that this resolution time is an estimate and may change.
You can access Gmail via IMAP >>

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

I've searched for this error message and I found only results from last month, so I thought I was alone... and now Google Apps Status has been updated. God bless app status.

Petr Man [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago #

I think this is a different problem than I had yesterday, which were some authentication errors when using chrome from the dev channel (corrupted cookies?).
It seems to me, that now the contacts and talk are down. My jabber client reports "Error code from server: 500 Internal Server Error" and "Error code from server: 501 Not Implemented".

mbegin [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Yes I was getting that same error the other day, and I got it once today too...

mbegin [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

And about 10 minutes ago I tried logging in to my Gmail account with another browser and I got this...

Cookie Lee [PersonRank 9]

14 years ago #

Well, I'm now seeing the following message when logged into Gmail.

Gmail is temporarily unable to access your Contacts. You may experience issues while this persists.

But everything else works.

mbegin [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Google Apps Status Dashboard Update:

<< Google Mail service has already been restored for some users, and we expect a resolution for all users within the next 1 hours. Please note this time frame is an estimate and may change.
The Gmail issue should now be resolved for most of our users. There still might be issues with your contacts. For Gmail users: Use to access your contacts For Google Apps Customers: >>

mbegin [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

My contacts in Gmail are working again just now!

mbegin [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Another Google Apps Status Dashboard Update, although Contacts is working fine for me now...

<< We are continuing to investigate this issue. We will provide an update by September 24, 2009 12:30:00 PM UTC-5 detailing when we expect to resolve the problem.
The Gmail issue should now be resolved for many of our users. Contacts and chat are still not working. For Gmail users, you can use to access your contacts. Google Apps customers can use >>

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

I've never been logged out my Gmail account while I'm using it since I've leave my message bellow.
So did Gmail really crashed, as CNN writes?

M [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago #

Gmail has been funny all week. It started with the Gmail logo appearing instead of the Google Mail logo. When I send an email to myself, it was sending it twice, and currently if I send an email to anyone, it shows up in my inbox as unread – despite me not being the recipient.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Here are several comments merged from other threads:


B.C.VAMANARAO – 9 hours ago

Sir, One hour back (i.e. on 24.09.2009) at 09.30 P.M. I encountered a problem to open my gmail account. my gmail id is bcvaman[put at-character here] The computer shows error code 796. Please help me to come out the problem. Because I am having lot of emails to read in my account.


Ludwik Trammer – 8 hours ago

There was a problem with Gmail, but it should be resolved now.



Christian Lund – 10 hours ago

As with all other features that one has come to rely on, I have quickly realized that I am useless without my Contacts. For a couple of hours I have been getting this alert at the top of my Apps mail page:

Stilmark Mail is temporarily unable to access your Contacts. You may experience issues while this persists. Learn more. ...

Anyone else with a similar problem?

Auto-complete, I miss you so much.


Sankar Anand – 9 hours ago

Gmail is temporarily unable to access your Contacts. You may experience issues while this persists.

Many users are facing this issue.. ...

and huh
Google talk and Chat is not working
Auto-complete not working
The contact manager is blank..

anyone experiencing here ? its been like more than 4 hours...

-------------------------------- [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

A status report has been posted for Google Apps Premier customers.

TOMHTML [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

[Moved from "Why Gmail was Gfail on Sept 24, 2009" – Tony]

Here is the official explaination on why Gmail crashed (again) this month. It was partially because of the same problem: an update of Gmail.

The same file here:

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