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Now add star to news items in Google News

MZaza [PersonRank 10]

Monday, February 1, 2010
14 years ago8,631 views

Starring a news

Checking the starred label

MZaza [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

I find it very handy, since Google News collects up news from different sources sometimes it's almost impossible for me to find the exact article I was reading instead I find related articles but not that one.

Mysterius [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

I just noticed that. I think it'll be pretty useful. I assume the stars track the specific article, not just the news topic group? Is there any post from Google about the new feature?

Jérôme Flipo [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

It's coming, slowly

I may repeat myself but a feature for starring/favorite/saving items consistent across all products is probably quite easy to implement, probably a huge user experience improvement and a big opportunity for loyalty and future product development.

Let them centralize all your favorites in Docs and Dashboard, either places, maps, words, news articles, blog posts, books, videos, photos (not yet), websites, emails, waves (not yet), docs, contacts (almost), events & calendars (not yet), stocks (almost), sounds & tracks (not yet) or things (Goggle?).

"Storing and archiving your stuff online", there's no better way to increase loyalty.... Once it knows what you have, it's well positioned to help you identify what you want to find and therefore, want to buy :)

RiyAndroid [PersonRank 8]

14 years ago #

[moved from "Starring stories in Google News"]

<<A couple of months back, we launched the Custom Sections Directory feature in Google News to allow users to set up sections on topics of their interest, and to share them with other users.

Today, we are giving users even more options for following stories. Users can mark a story cluster by clicking on the star next to it, like they can with messages in Gmail and items in Google Reader. When you star a story in Google News, it's one way to let us know that you're interested in that subject. When there are significant updates, we will alert you by putting the headline in bold so you can get more information. You can also follow your 20 most recent starred stories in the "Starred" section of Google News.>>

Install Software [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago #

Another great post.
Thanks for the tips and help.
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