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Failed Google services

Rohit Srivastwa [PersonRank 10]

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
14 years ago4,814 views

List of failed Google products as far as I remember.

# Dodgeball
# Jaiku
# OpenSocial
# Answers
# Wave (Seems like)
# Notebook
# Mashup Editor
# Google Directory (catalog)
# Google Video (attention shifted to youtube)
# Lively
# Print Ads in newspaper
# Radio Ads

Any addition to this list ??
Any probable candidate for failure??

Suresh S [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

1. google groups
2. google pages
3. google url shortening

JHONNY [PersonRank 1]

14 years ago #

# Knol
# Google Moderator

DPic [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

# Dodgeball
# Jaiku

These two are now Buzz/Latitude?

# OpenSocial

Well, it was a disappointment, but i think it was created to counter the buzz of competing services, which it succeeded in doing. Also <<Applications implementing the OpenSocial APIs will be interoperable with any social network system that supports them, including features on sites such as, MySpace,[2] orkut, Netlog,[3],[4] Friendster,[5] Ning and Yahoo!.>> – Wikipedia

# Answers

Only to be replaced with a newer service that is apparently being implemented differently in a couple different countries (Russia and China IIRC) and not in a unified multi-lingual interface yet?

# Wave (Seems like)

Hardly. It's in it's infancy. It hasn't taken off, but it's hardly dead. There is a lot of potential in the wave platform. People just got a bit too excited.

# Notebook

They decided Google Docs was enough.

# Mashup Editor

Dunno much about this but yeah, appears so

# Google Directory (catalog)

It isn't like other google services, but there are a surprising number who still use this

# Google Video (attention shifted to youtube)

Failed as a video hosting platform, but not as video search, which you will see it improving as.

# Lively

Pahahaha, yes. An embarassing failure.

# Print Ads in newspaper
# Radio Ads


1. google groups
2. google pages
3. google url shortening

None of those are failed. Groups is still widely used (although spam is still not completely fixed), pages is now sites, and url shortening i don't even know why you thought that failed

DPic [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

# Knol

Yeah. It was a nice attempt to shake things up though. I respect them for doing things like that just to try to introduce solutions to problems with existing services. Even if it means the existing services improve and Google's shot goes down

# Google Moderator

Not failed.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Also see the Lost Features of Google post:

And of perhaps related interest is this map of Googleland is from 2007... note the Death Valley area:

Cookie Lee [PersonRank 9]

14 years ago #


Manoj Nahar [PersonRank 4]

14 years ago #

Google SOAP Search API

Manoj Nahar [PersonRank 4]

14 years ago #

Not technically failed but sun will set on "Google Gears" as well.

Motti [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

[put at-character here]Manoj I'd consider Gears a success as it was only ever intended to be a stop gap and it helped HTML5 standardise its features

ArpitNext [PersonRank 7]

14 years ago #

1> Notebook is not a failed product. I guess Google abandoned it for Google Docs

btw, I still use it :)

DPic [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

This was an experiment, not a service

There was also measuremap who helped improve analytics but never delivered on their own product-- i was hoping to see some sort of basic analytics built into blogger

Abhisshek [PersonRank 3]

14 years ago #

Orkut (only Indian & Brazilians are using it) though Facebook is Fast catching it up in India

ArpitNext [PersonRank 7]

14 years ago #

[put at-character here]Abhisshek lol :) yup #Orkut is a another #failed product. Even in India, only college students use it

DPic [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #


I don't know what Orkut is. I guess how much it sucks constitutes a big fat fail. So sad.

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