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Internet Neutrality

Linda James [PersonRank 1]

Tuesday, May 30, 2006
18 years ago2,270 views

Just read an article (5/29)
"Google makes some missteps as it finds its way in corridors of power"> By Jim Puzzanghera, Los Angeles Times.

I for one think you could post something on Google to ask us all to send a note to congress to keep the internet neutral. Why do you need to buy congressional votes when we can all speak up? Maybe I'm naive, but the above article simply restated says Google isn't being heard because the company isn't spending enough money in the right places in DC, and because it's employees make 96% of their political donations to the Democrats. It makes me sick the way our govt operates on bribes. I believe politics is just a bunch of horseshit, but I can see what will be happening if we don't tell our "representatives" now to leave the internet alone.

Let's just smash 'em with emails! Perhaps you could make it easy for Googlers to just copy and send an email, after we fill in our own congressperson's name(s), and think of the millions of notes going to DC. You could even provide a drop-down of each state's reps and addresses. Going too far? I wouldn't be offended to find this on my home page.

   Linda James, registered voter

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