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See Google's Redesign Experiment  (View post)

David Hetfield [PersonRank 10]

Friday, September 22, 2006
17 years ago7,032 views

<< Personally I don't like this design much – I don't want navigation bars in search results, and I don't like how the navigation switches from the top (on the homepage) to the left >>

im not willing to change my layout.. if Philipp cannot undo it then im not taking the risk..
besides what if im searching for lets say:
   then the search query navigation will take lets say 45 rows long?

i think its stupid :/

[Split to many lines – Sam]

BrianS [PersonRank 7]

17 years ago #

Can you actually come up with a reasonable search that would be that many characters long?

Kirby Witmer [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

isn't that the same as this??

and that was like way old?? or is it something different??

David Hetfield [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

[put at-character here] Kirby
thats different Kirby..
take a good look at the left side of the screen

[put at-character here]Brian
i suppose you cant.. but i just gave an example to a very long query..
sorry about the page twitching .. didnt think it would happen.. sorry :)
Philipp, can you fix it?

Haochi [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

No credit for me? I found the cookies. :(

Sam Davyson [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

David: I've fixed it.

I am not sure that the long query point is really the main issue. The change is as Philipp said about the links moving from top to side. Which is fairly inconsistent.

But be aware that as it stands I think hardly any "average joe" surfer ever clicks on the other links (i.e. uses Google for anything other than web search). So maybe changing there layout could push usage.

Rishabh [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

It doesn't appear to be working for me.

Mambo [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Google.... just don't go down that route. Please.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Variants of this search prototype go back to January this year* but I never saw the JavaScript to reproduce this... so thanks to Haochi, and I added you to the credits!


Giri [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

Is it just me or does anybody else get the same layout when searching from safari?

Al [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

Yes Giri, I've been getting this new page layout from Safari searchs for the last 2 days.

xeen [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

I randomly encountered this new layout, too – without setting any cookies or so. Only difference is that it was in German and on, but the rest was the same. ....

Milly [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

> Philipp:
> I wonder why Google is experimenting with this prototype
> for such a long time... surely they collected all the
> data they'd reasonably need by now?

Each new tweak needs new data, I'd guess.

> Personally I don't like this design much – I don't want
> navigation bars in search results,

Do you mean the links to other searches? I'd say they're no more "in the search results" than the ads (and less so than OneBox results, or Inline Revisions, for example). Personally I think the extra vertical column makes much better use of typical (desktop) screen layouts, and I'd just like a few more of the other "more" searches listed there. Ideally with the Prefs page allowing users to choose which ones.

Most importantly, I like how the same links are now repeated at the bottom, too (well, nearly the same links <sigh>): I think all the outbound links (and OneBox's, etc) should be repeated at the bottom too. Similarly, those occasional bottom-only results should always also be at the top. At least for anyone with a Pref saved for more than the default 10 results per page. I guess once IE7 is established, they could use a floating CSS box to keep them within the browser viewport.

Alas, also putting the search terms in the sidebar makes this version unusable, in practice.

> David Hetfield:
> im not willing to change my layout.. if Philipp cannot
> undo it then im not taking the risk..

There's no risk: just dump your cookie when you're done.

> BrianS:
>> then the search query navigation will take lets say 45
>> rows long?
> Can you actually come up with a reasonable search that
> would be that many characters long?

[Hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomies] ?

Amazingly, it *doesn't* wrap to many rows: Google's CSS just chops off the display after a certain length (i.e the same columns width you see already), so (depending on local display settings) only about half of that word is visible. Dumb: but that's what tests are for, after all.

Jon Harris [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

This looks GREAT! I've always disliked the row on the top with that STUPID "more" button which does nothing but aggravate.
Sidebars are where the web has been for a long time.

Sankar Anand [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

"It doesn't appear to be working for me."
[put at-character here] and the same for me.....

gogopenguin2 [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

I recreate that look.
I do the code and go to go to the Preferences and it is not there.

Bravery Onions [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

i have seen this before. i just did a google search and it looked like this. i did a few more, and then on one of them it stopped.

Sankar Anand [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

it is not working for my does anyone know the reason ?
when i copy the following code i simply get the following message

PREF= ID=ad93daafaa747f70:
S=wNuiLiKHrkRnMZtf; path=/;

[Added line breaks to prevent layout oddities – Tony]

Haochi [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

There's a space between "LM=" and "1158374016" in Philipp's post, delete it and everything will be fine.

Sankar Anand [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

i get the same even after deleting that space...

tried both in ie and firefox.... i am using

Yusuf [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

I dont think its working anymore

Archoz [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

I switched yesterday, still works. Sent feedback to google:

- I really like the light grew/brown background color. With all the blue links, a blue background doesn't feel tranquil anymore;

- The options on the left side could be handy, but currently it isn't. Another UI experiment showed little relavancy pagerank-like images after each sidelink. Those images were annoying, but why not only show links that are relevant enough to the keywords? With a little image after every link to quickly recognize where the click would bring you;

- I care more about how many results there are in total than how many
results are shown on one page, so replace the "Results 1 – 10" at the top with total results. Or like this: "4,870,000 results (1-10 at this page)";

- Once the total results message at the bottom is removed, moving the 'Next' link with her page numbers to the right is better, since my mouse is more likely to be there when scrolling down.

Krish [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

That's the layout that comes by default when google from India. I have been seeing that layout for more a month now. Probably they are experimenting that layout from Indian users.

noname [PersonRank 4]

17 years ago #

it works for me (even the same message appears). But i have deleted all the spaces, so maybe it is the reason. BTW – i use opera, last build

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Yes, the spaces were just for line breaks...

DPic [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

this reminds me of a similar experiment found in march

Joseph Price [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

Ok, now how do I change it back?!

I'm not crazy about the design experiment after a couple of days with it.

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Just delete your (Google) cookies. (Well, you know by now, we exchanged emails.)

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