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Bala Arjunan [PersonRank 1]

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
17 years ago5,959 views

GWT(Google Web ToolKit) is Google’s Tool which is a Java Development Framework that facilitates writing AJAX applications in an easier way, for more information on this see GWT. I am currently working in a GWT project, While working I thought about an issue which will smash down the crawlability of Search Engine(SE) Robots.Everyone is aware of SE Robots, which crawl through the Web pages thereby feeding the Search Algorithim with all necessary stuffs, To brief on that” Search engines generally use robot crawlers to locate searchable pages on web sites and intranets (robots are also called crawlers, spiders, gatherers or harvesters). These robots, which use the same requests and responses as web browsers, read pages and follow links on those pages to locate every page on the specified server”. and it is also necessary that you need to know

How your web page is crawled? How your WebPage is read by the Search Engine?

When the search engine bot visits a website, it reads all the visible text on the web page, the content of the various tags in the source code (title tag, meta tags, Dublin Core Tags, comments tags, alt tags, attribute tags, content, etc.), as well as the text within the hyperlinks on the web page. From the content that it extracts, the search engine decides what the website, and web page is about. There are many factors used to figure out what is of value and what matters. Each search engine has its own set of rules, standards and algorithms in order to evaluate and process the information. Depending on how the bot was set up by the search engine, different pieces of information are gathered, weighted, indexed and then added to the search engine’s database.

Now the issue is, it is s clear that the pages are indexed based on the crawl reports generated by Robots, In a(any) GWT application, the page source contains only the following information



<!– The fully-qualified module name –>

<meta name=”gwt:module” content=”Website.Webpages”>

<!– Properties can be specified to influence deferred binding –>

<meta name=”gwt:property” content=”language=en”>

<!– Stylesheets are optional, but useful –>

<link rel=”stylesheet” ref=”css/default.css”>

<!– Titles are optional, but useful –>

<title> WEB Page Title</title>



<!– Include the bootstrap script just inside the body or in the head –>

<!– (startup is slightly faster if you place it just after the body tag –>

<script language=”javascript” src=”gwt.js”></script>



So when the Robot crawls this page, It cant index any information about the content of the page, even the meta tags has very less information.A question may rise, Why cant we populate the Meta Tag, thats not the right way and it may lead to BlackBox SEO. How does Google going to sort this out? What is the Solution? GWT Apps fails to go with SEO Strategies.

Tiago Serafim [PersonRank 4]

17 years ago #

I think that there is no solution, because there is no problem. With GWT you can make web applications not web pages.

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