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How PageRank Works  (View post)

DPic [PersonRank 10]

Thursday, January 11, 2007
17 years ago6,835 views

Oh! I get it now!

MJ Rich [PersonRank 6]

17 years ago #

So THAT explains it. Good call.

Amit Patel [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

They calculate.
And filter.

They batch process.
And filter.

They scan keywords.
And filter.

They interfere.
And as a side effect they profit from it.

But at any given moment they try to have their ass covered in seven layers of fluff.

Warm and cozy at the plex.

Penatly Example

The term to look for is:
IDcide Affair
(a somewhat "unique" search)

The URL of the page about the IDcide Affair is:

Search #1:
(the URL is at the middle of the second page)

Search #2:
(the URL is at the middle of the second page)

Haochi [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Marissa Mayer assigns PageRank, not Matt Cutts, she is a robot.

Matt Cutts [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Philipp, that's different/interesting handwriting. Have you ever considered making a Philipp font?

Amit Patel [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

Philipp, sorry for hijacking a little, but we are talking Matt and Google rankings here, and Matt is reading so...

Matt, you said on December 5:
"The site is showing up in Google search results now, so it’s unclear to me what other resolution you’d like regarding this site?"

From the above it is clear that Google is interfering with the ranking of anything on the domain.

Given the documented history of this case I can see only three reason to continue doing this:
1. Cover-up.
2. Vengeance.
3. Greed.

Now since the cover-up ain't really covering, and the grab here ain't really big, all that Google is left with is vengeance.

So why not use your Google powers to stop this embracement?

Amit Patel [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

P.S – it would be a good idea to stop this embracement with the other thousands (or millions) of sites out there who are treated the same way but are clueless about it.

John Honeck [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

It's time for someone to do a calculation like how fast Santa Clause has to fly to get to every house in the world in one night.

How fast does Matt have to review each page to update page rank every 3 months (or so) for every page in google's index? Of course that is a recursive calculation and poor Matt is never done, but let's assume it runs on a 3 month cycle for the purpose of this exercise.

For example, the most pages I could find for a query is 8,160,000,000. Let's assume Matt works 10 hour days, 5 days a week, and it takes 12 weeks between updates...

8,160,000,000 / 12 weeks / 5 days / 10 hours / 60 minutes / 60 seconds = 3778 pages per second. Wow.

I really appreciate the time he takes to blog and his ability to make 3778 decisions a second.

Suresh S [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Spam is the act of trying unfairly to gain a high ranking on a search engine for a web page without improving the user experience.

Link farms – join the farm by copying a hub page which links to all members.

Selling links from sites with high PageRank.

A densely linked focused sub-graph of hubs and authorities is called a community.

Over 100,000 emerging web communities have been discovered from a web crawl (a process called trawling).

Alternatively, a community is a set of web pages W having at least as many links to pages in W as to pages outside W.

JohnMu [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Amit, did you ever bother to read my posting regarding your site in the Google groups?

Rxbbx [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

Some heavy fine tuning math :)

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

wkcow [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

interesting, thank you

Lahiru [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

Yeah Great Process diagram. :)
I got it..

Elias Kai [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I wish it was that easy but looking just from the Trust ranking, it could be so.

Please Matt, let notice their Hole and subdomains spam.

Broderick [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

Cor blimey. Looks like Dubya's, first election victory count. I am begining to think seriously 1 + 1 = 3.5.

I am high enough in cheap wine to be pageRanged.

Amit Patel [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

JohnMu said:

>Amit, did you ever bother to read my posting regarding your site in the Google groups?

Yes I did.

softplus wrote:
> Sigh.

> What is the purporse of your site and why should it be fully indexed
> and rank high?

To answer your question – the site COULD or WOULD be indexed and ranked – but no one said it SHOULD. I sure didn't.

However – if you keep asking the wrong questions you will never find the right answers.

There are millions of sites out there and only one Google.

What you SHOULD ask yourself are questions about the facts – why did Google block the site? Why did it use the site in the Q&A? Why did it unblocked the site? Why did it remove it from the Q&A and – most importantly – why is it currently panelized heavily?

Or to rephrase – ask yourself – What is the purporse of Google picking on this very specific site?

If you think about it you will find that this site is nothing more than a very nicely documented example of what Google COULD and probably WOULD do to others who have no idea what hits them.


John Honeck [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Wow, did this stray off topic! Mr. Lenssen has more patience than I do.

Kirby Witmer [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

heh. makes sense, philipp. :)

WoW!ter [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

I always thought that last bit was Larry Page his job ;)

Allard P [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

Talking about PR, where is yours?

Hugo [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

what is "backlink" ? how to make Google increase it?

Humfree [PersonRank 0]

17 years ago #

The secret.......

Google is Jews founded/owned corporation.....don't be evil.....shhh! don't tell anyone......

Zach [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

Google PR is a fun tool but irrelevant to what my clients look for...results ;). For some reason we tend to deliver higher ranking results then our higher PRed competitors, go figure. I think a lot of ranking information and criteria is still coming from Meta-tags related structures, so I thank those guys who say Meta's are dead.

[URL removed – Tony]

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