Getting Started with Platypus

How do I get to my Gdrive?

Double click the icon in your system tray (lower-right corner of the screen), or navigate to the G: drive from "My Computer".

Each of the top-level folders in your G: drive corresponds to a Platypus share. By default, only your personal Platypus share is visible. Its name is the same as your LDAP username.

How do I mount other shares?

Right-click the Platypus tray icon, and select "Connect Share." You can enter the names of other Platypus users (e.g. jeske) or the names of public shares (e.g. test1) to which you have access.

After you mount a share, Platypus will begin synchronizing your hard drive with the share, downloading all of the files it contains. You can continue using your computer normally as Platypus synchronizes in the background.

If you would like to create a new share, e.g. for your team, email Dave [Email address removed. -Google Blogoscoped] and specify the share's name, who you would like to be able to edit files in the share, and who you would like to be able to read files in the share.

How do I access my files through the web?

Directory listing:
A particular file:

How do I share my files with other Googlers?

Go to the web UI and select the Settings tab.

How do I add/edit/delete files/folders from my Platypus share?

You can now treat the folder corresponding to your personal share (or to a public share) just like any other folder on your computer. So long as you are connected to the network, changes you make to your files will be sent to the server in the background. If you make changes while you are disconnected, the server will be updated whenever you reconnect.

Can I help make Platypus better? I have some 20% time built up.

Yup! We'd love your help with engineering, interface design, or marketing. Email Justin [Email address removed. -Google Blogoscoped] if you'd like to volunteer your time. You can also make Platypus better just by using it and reporting bugs.

What data should I keep in my Platypus share?

We encourage you to keep all of your files with us, including your Office documents, photos, and personal notes, except for sensitive data (including electronic protected health information) and other files inconsistent with the internal user agreement.