Google Blogoscoped


Google Now Scanning RSS, Atom Feeds, May Experiment with Real-Time Protocols in Future

BizAbh [PersonRank 10]

Friday, October 30, 2009
14 years ago3,041 views

<< According to a post on Google's Webmaster Central blog, Google is now discovering web sites by automatically scanning RSS and Atom feeds. This new process will help Google more quickly identify web pages and will allow users to find new content in search results as soon as it goes live. While not exactly "real-time," using feeds to identify updates to websites is an arguably faster method than than the traditional crawling techniques Google has used in the past. And Google may get even faster in the near future – the post also notes that the company may soon explore using mechanisms like the real-time protocol PubSubHubbub to identify updated items going forward. >>

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[Content snipped. Please don't copy and paste entire articles from other blogs and try to make it clear when you're quoting another source by using quotation marks like "" or << >> – Tony]

hebbet [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

I am currently think about unsubscribing from blogoscoped forum feed. you and some other guys are posting nearly every google feed entry and that is imho too much.

With only two clicks you can see the latest posts of the most Google blogs at

BizAbh [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

dont get me wrong but whats ur problem hebbet , u r offended for posting non google tech links. now ur offended for posting Google news link is 80% Google Forum . what u actually want!!!!!!!!!!!!

BizAbh [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

sorry for typo its should read "now ur offended for posting Google news link in 80% Google Forum "

MZaza [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

[put at-character here]BizAbh
I think I understand what hebbet wants, he want us to mention things which you can't easily get from any google blog. Or discuss it from another perspective which haven't been discussed like before. I usually read only about 30%-40% of the titles I see in blogoscoped, I always read the ones which worth reading or the ones which has high posts number. I've read many posts by you which was interesting like (French Government Chooses Mozilla To Replace IBM and Microsoft For 130,000 Desktop PC's), (Now Linux Can Get Viruses, Via Wine) but there are many other posts which I count them as spam like (Google CEO on personalized news), they are not spam but they are just not worth posting.
That's just my point of view which I though it's hebbet's one too, I may be wrong.

Anyway keep the good posts up :)

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

I think there are (at least) two types of people reading the forum: those who also subscribed to a lot of official Google blogs, and those who actually only read the forum. It's tough making both groups happy!

(To think that when Blogoscoped started, Google did not have *a single* blog...)

BizAbh [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

u r right Philipp i m 1st typo of people who reads lots of Official / Unofficial Google Blogs and othere tech blogs.

actually i mnot spamming . i found one story interesting so i want to share with like minded people that is it :) i m sorry if i bother any one especially hebbet :) lets shake hand buddy :)

DPic [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

If you're part of the first group, like many of us are, you shouldn't need the information regurgitated here again. Blogoscoped is not a purely social news site like digg or reddit where we all just push link after link (although those sites are cool, they were designed for it). Worthy tips and such are appreciated, but beyond that it becomes annoying.

It's even gotten to the point where you re-post things you don't even realize have been discussed and you were in the discussion! reference:

It's nothing personal, it's just that you're pushing down valuable discussion for little snippits of information that aren't particularly insightful and we can see outside of blogoscoped

If, in fact, we think this sort of link-madness does belong on this forum, the forum needs to accommodate it. There should be more topics per page, and they maybe should last a bit longer before being locked. Otherwise, it might be time to have a discussion on some semi-formal policy, or informal guidelines

hebbet [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

i am not sure how many android 2.0 things you posted in the last 7 days, but it would be much better to start ONE thread for every android 2.0 related.

mbegin [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

>> It's even gotten to the point where you re-post things you don't even realize have been discussed...

Here's another good example: this entire thread was a re-post because I had already posted about it a day earlier here

DPic [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

I don't mean to pin BizAbh against a wall, i just think we should discuss whether it's appropriate for people to post lots of links and whether this forum should change to accommodate that, or whether we should have some guidelines that say something against this.

I'm personally of the second opinion, and if you agree, we should decide on how formal these guidelines should be. This seems to be a somewhat isolated case, so unless we run into this again in the future, i don't think we need to have a page for guidelines-- we can just call people out if they're deviating from the blogoscoped way =]

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