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Google Letting Gears Go – Declares HTML5 As The Future

Wouter Schut [PersonRank 10]

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
14 years ago3,819 views

<<Well, at least Google knows when they are beaten. Google is setting the sun on the Gears project, citing the coming HTML5 standard as incorporating much of what they had hoped to accomplish with Gears.

For now, Gears is still baked right into Chrome. But as Chrome moves on to the Mac platform, Gears is headed out. Gears never gained traction like other Google projects, such as Gmail.

Google summed it succinctly: “”We are excited that much of the technology in Gears, including offline support and geolocation APIs, are being incorporated into the HTML5 spec as an open standard supported across browsers, and see that as the logical next step for developers looking to include these features in their websites.”

Of course, there will be some curmudgeons who will bemoan the end of Gears, but Google deserves plaudits for moving to the mainstream standard. Instead of attempting to muscle the market as they wish, Google is playing nice with the market. Apple, Microsoft, and Sony could take a lesson.

But, there will be something of a gap. Gears is headed on in short order, but HTML5 is still on the horizon, a touch nebulous and not supported by the major browser players. So, for some consumers, there will be a short hiccough.

Not to worry, the future is incoming. Microsoft just recently began to build Internet Explorer 9 to work with HTML5, and with Chrome now headed that direction, there is no doubt that the whole market will follow suit.

Gears was hardly a failure, some might claim that it laid some of the groundwork for the creation of HTML5. There is a touch of nostalgia in its passing, but more excitement about the future.>>

I could not find the original google-source...

Wouter Schut [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

<<Updated, 9:56 p.m.: The Google spokesman wrote to clarify in a follow-up e-mail, "We're continuing to support Gears so that nothing breaks for sites that use it. But we expect developers to use HTML5 for these features moving forward as it's a standards-based approach that will be available across all browsers.">>

Wouter Schut [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

I'm building something with gears, and i really really don't want gears to disapear. Does anyone know if the html5 standard is much different than gears?

Ianf [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Wouter, do you know of any comparison of HTML5's and Gears's features? Failing that, perhaps you could attempt to list them yourself.

FWIW, latest HTM5 doc at is from June of last year [latest spec doc from January], which is, like, ancient in These Instant Concurrent Context Web Times of Ours (not having used Gears, I didn't even try to find out the latest possible version of it).

Q [PersonRank 2]

14 years ago #

This one is more up to date:

Gears also brought HTML5 features to IE and Firefox. So it looks like they're betting either on Microsoft quickly supporting everything that's needed, or on IE users installing Chrome Frame.

Ianf [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Thanks, but this is still NOT a comparison of both function models, nor of –subjective would do– capabilities of either technology.

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Wasn't the original aim for gears to be incorporated into web standards anyway? So… Mission Accomplished?

Wouter Schut [PersonRank 10]

14 years ago #

Now on engadget + slashdot etc.

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