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Scary Terrorist Plot  (View post)

Mathias Schindler [PersonRank 10]

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
17 years ago5,023 views

Almost as scary as using an incompetent person as a puppet for an evil conspiracy to become governor of Texas and later US president to bring fear, despair and chaos to the world. I am glad that these terrorist plots are always thwarted in the last minute by Jack Bauer and his 9mm-convincing arguments.

Jeremy Mikkola [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

No way! He's just nuts. That would never happen. (-;

Cristian [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

Ha-ha! Verry funny – not ... ;)

I think terrorist could infiltrate the Japanese car companies and come up with hybrid cars, such as the Prius ... read more here:

Cristian (the Car Guy)

Cristian [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

By the way, I love this blog – jood job and keep it going!

Colin Colehour [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

No need to have terrorists doing this, our american corporations are more than happy to do this for us.

Danz [PersonRank 1]

17 years ago #

My hypothetical terrorist plot would involve already terrorizing a good portion of the world's population, elimination of democracy, keeping the populace ignorant, enslaving women, and with a good helping of repeated mandatory daily brainwashing indoctrination.

I'd use blind fanaticism to a radically violent religion as my tool of choice. Hypothetically, the plot would be well on the way to destroying Europe with the expressly stated goal of world domination. I'd keep people from speaking out against my plot by rediculeous amounts of violence, arson, murder and do it in such a way, such as chopping heads off, that would instill fear in any sane person. All the while, I'd claim that I'm the peaceful one and the opponents of the plot are the real conspirators.

I'd distract the world with American Idol and Dancing with the Stars. Finally, for the few who find they must be an activist with their spare time, I'd give them something safe to fight against, something that won't fight back and cut their freaking heads global warming. Oh, look at me, I'm against global warming, I'm trying to save the world. I can hear Nero's fiddle now.

Trogdor [PersonRank 6]

17 years ago #

Or, perhaps a terrorist could infiltrate Al Gore's home, and leave all the lights on or something, so that his house consumes 20x the electricity of the average house in the US. That's what I call, leading by example. Great job, Al!

David T [PersonRank 7]

17 years ago #

That of course is provided the fact that CO2 emissions are linked to global warming. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing collapses and comes to what it appears to be, a lot of hype. Sure the earth is warming up, no-one can deny that. But many top scientist deny that it is CO2 which is doing that, please see this comprehensive video recently shown on UK television:

MarWi [PersonRank 3]

17 years ago #

You spend too much time in Germany and listen to too german news :-)

Please don't make this great blog into a political one, even if it's only meant to be funny.

And just to add my 2 cents to this: I am not sure which one would be the better plot, building SUV's to destroy earth or making up an apocalyptic threat in order to control people's lives...

Philipp Lenssen [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

MarWi, politics (in popular implementations around the world!) means defending power positions, and entering left vs right-wing debates, none of which I believe in (and I don't think this post was any of that). Instead, we ought to try keep ourselves open for new perspectives and try to not categorize each other too quickly. And rest assured I watch your average German TV news (of which 97% are really, *really* bad) as criticial as, say, FOX news. We all should be critical about the media surrounding us (yeah, that includes blog posts, so I'm happy you're challenging what you read!).

MarWi [PersonRank 3]

17 years ago #

I agree with you. And no, your post wasn't right vs. left. I was just making fun of german tv, where you're post could have been topic of a "serious" debate show (The quality really is bad...and yep, FOX ain't better) ;-) Luckily, the readers of your blog are intelligent enough not to turn everything into a battle of "pundits". What I wanted to say is, try not to attract those people otherwise the forum will be corrupted by them. I have seen many forums going in that direction and people starting to turn everything else on the page, however unrelated it is, into right vs left, america-bashers vs. ultra-patriots. Once they are there, you can't get rid of them...Just look at some Wikipedia sites... It's a pity.

Keep up the good work.

Hong Xiaowan [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Politics just a tool, just a box. Value inside is the key. Everything is changing. Only the rules changeless.

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